Monday 14 December 2009

Producing these drawings has enable me to see the strongest composition suitable for my digital tableaux vivant, my scene will be modelled within the foreground and midground, the background will be digitally painted extending the car parks depth, hopefully the overall outcome will be successful. Now that the composition and structure of the objects within my scene are sorted I need find a way to make my tableaux vivant tell and interesting story. I have thought of applying fragmented car parts or parts of a car to my scene, which should enable more thought about what story is being told within my scene. Once this has been sketched to satisfaction then I can begin producing my Maya scene, this will be done first so that I have a clear image of what my scene looks like, enabling me to extend its depths accurately with digital painting.


  1. Online Interim Review 16/12/09

    Morning Benga - and apologies for the delay.

    Okay - a mild note of caution; while your carpark scene certainly has potential for an unnerving scene, I can't help but observe that creatively and conceptually, your research and development for this unit has been rather 'one-note' - you appear to be simply redrawing an existing image of a carpark over and over, without exploring camera view-point, or changing the perspective, or investigating alternative scenes and environments; in comparison with the journies taken by some of your classmates, your engagement with the various artists/opportunities etc does seem very limited. It's something I want you to be wary of; I encourage you to be much more adventurous.

    You suggest that your scene might need some additional elements to 'lift' it a little - I agree with you - something unexpected and out of place, perhaps? Put simply, I want to see you push your ideas much harder - even if, finally, you settle on something as simple as suggested by your drawings.

    More generally - don't use 'placeholders' on your blog - for instance, you have a section in readiness for the Stepford Wives review, but I want you to use your online journal on a daily basis - so your thoughts are recorded when they are fresh; please look at the blogs of your classmates for reference; the best of them are very rich and very comprehensive, and I think you could improve your own. I also think you might want to give your online journal a bit of a make-over - again, take a look at your classmates' spaces.

    Incidentally - are you following the blogs of your classmates regularly? You should. If you need an updated bloglist, please let me know.

    Re. your written assignment, please see following posts for general guidance.

  2. Written assignment Unit 3 Part 1

    Consider carefully the following learning outcomes for your essay and structure your assignment accordingly. You must demonstrate:

    1) Knowledge and understanding of ‘the Uncanny’.

    You should begin your essay by defining ‘the uncanny’ in theoretical terms (i.e. according to Sigmund Freud, Jentsch, and anyone else with a helpful or clear definition). You will be expected to include a quoted source by which to demonstrate your understanding; the essay, ‘The Uncanny’ by Freud is rich in useful observations – so use it; you’ll want to consider the concept of the ‘unheimlich’ and the sorts of motifs/artefacts that create the uncanny experience.

    2) A developed ability to engage in research.

    At this stage of your course, you are expected to research your subject area in order to enrich your discussion and corroborate your analysis. No essay at this stage should be written ‘off the top of your head’ or without a clear research agenda. Research might include a variety of film reviews, artist statements, images, books, critiques and articles. Research requires that you READ and take notes! For instance, if you are looking at Invasion of the Body-Snatchers in relation to the uncanny, first cross-reference lots of reviews/articles about the film. Make a note of any recurrent terms or ideas and when you come across a term you don’t understand or are unfamiliar with – investigate it! Try google searching associated terms together– for instance ‘Invasion of the Body Snatchers & uncanny’ – as you may find research material that relates very specifically to your discussion.

    There are no short-cuts to an intelligently written assignment – focused research = successful essays; without research and a body of evidence, your essay is simply ‘chat’ and of no academic significance. Be significant!

    3) The ability to synthesise a range of research applied to arguments.

    Put more simply, this means that once you’ve completed your research and gathered together your key ideas, you are then able to use them to ‘unpack’ your chosen subject; think of your research as a precision tool-kit especially selected by you to ‘dismantle’ your case-study or studies (i.e. the film, image, programme, artwork you’ve chosen to discuss)

    4) The ability to clearly and academically communicate ideas.

    This is all about your writing style and your ‘voice’ – too many of you are writing as if you’re talking, and it’s a habit you need to lose asap in this context. So you must avoid slang and clichés; you’re not on the street or down the pub, you’re in a formal space with formal conventions.

    Avoid the first person; instead of writing ‘I think that Invasion Of The Body-Snatchers is about the fear of conformity’, consider instead ‘It is arguable that Invasion of the Body-Snatchers is about the fear of conformity’.

  3. Hi phil, I understand about exploring with the angles within my car park image, which I will definately do, but I feel that you have not given me detailed information on what you think can be improved withing my scene I think youve given me an overall comment on my work but not feedback on the strengths and weaknesses, which withouth I will not be able to improve on my would be great if you could give me a genreral idea
    of whats angle or perspectives you think would be usefull or how the scene could look more uncanny, this would help alot.

  4. Hi All,

    Go onto MyUCA and check out the class files that would have been for today – Its Merry Christmas fun with Fur!!! Watch the videos and see what you can come up with. I’ll give you a full explanation in the New Year.

    Merry Christmas everybody.

  5. Gbenga... I think the point that Phil is trying to make is for you to be much more experimental and adventurous with your ideas. Sure Phil can tell you whatangles make work well or drop hints about lighting etc. however you will be looking at the world through Phils eyes and not your own... sit down produce lots of sketches experimenting with lighting camera angle, placing objects in the scene etc. then present these to phil, Alan and your peers and start a conversation about your work. Also the library has a huge resource of cinematic reference material that can point you if the direction of the visual language that you seek.

    Simply put you have to find your own answers... not what the tutors expect... also alot can be learnt from mistakes as long as you do not make tham too late in the process.
